VIDEO: "Exploring the Fullness of the Whole Counsel of God" by Bruce Ware

Persevering in the Whole Counsel of God

We are excited to begin sharing the content from our 2016 National Conference. Check back each Wednesday to view a new plenary session (along with discussion questions and action steps) to help you better understand how to persevere in teaching the whole counsel of God to the next generation. 

Exploring the Fullness of the Whole Counsel of God

This week I had the privilege of watching Dr. Bruce Ware’s message “Exploring the Fullness of the Whole Counsel of God” for the third time! Yes, the third time… and I was encouraged, challenged, and motivated all over again. This is an excellent message to pass on to every parent, teacher, and children’s and youth ministry volunteer. Please watch it and share it. For added benefit, we have included questions below for you to ponder as you watch or discuss with your ministry team.


Discussion Questions

  • Why is it important to teach our children and students the difficult things of Scripture?
  • What should be our demeanor when we teach these things?
  • What does Dr. Ware mean by teaching both the “breadth and depth” of Scripture?
  • Why are “anchor points” necessary for helping children understand the storyline of the Bible? By the time your children arrive at adulthood, will they know these points and how they anchor the whole message of the Bible?
  • Why is it important to help children grow in their understanding of specific passages of Scripture?
  • What does Dr. Ware mean by “the glory is in the details”? What skills do your children and students need in order to rightly understand these details?
  • What is true of biblical doctrine and culture? Why is this important for us to acknowledge?
  • Why does Dr. Ware zero in on the doctrine of God?
  • What does Dr. Ware have to say about self-esteem? Why is this important for parents and teachers?
  • Why is it so important that our children and students rightly understand the biblical meaning and pervasiveness of sin?
  • What does Dr. Ware believe we sometimes under-emphasize about the person of Christ? The Holy Spirit?
  • Why must the doctrine of salvation be grounded in grace?
  • What place should the doctrines of heaven and hell have in our teaching? Why is this crucial?

For Further Thought

  1. If you had to give a score from 1-10 on how you are doing in teaching your students and children both the breadth or depth of Scripture, what score would you assign to each (10 being the best score)?
  2. What is one step you could take toward strengthening your teaching in the breadth or depth of Scripture?
  3. Does your church employ a curriculum scope and sequence that aims toward both the breadth and depth of Scripture, in an age-appropriate manner? Is the rationale of this scope and sequence being communicated to ministry volunteers and parents? What is one step you could do to encourage the latter? (Here are two helpful resources that explain Children Desiring God's rationale and curriculum scope and sequence: A handout and an accompanying PowerPoint presentation.)
  4. As a parent, what resources are you utilizing to help your children understand both the breadth and depth of Scripture in your home? What is one step you could take to partner with your church and encourage other parents?
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