Parents and Teachers: Good Curriculum is Not Enough

As much as we care about good, God-centered, Christ-exalting curriculum at Children Desiring God, the curriculum itself is only a tool. The heart of the one using the tool is of utmost importance, too. Here are some wise words from Tedd and Margy Tripp:
Our homes are the laboratory of life for our children. They will believe that Christian faith is the genuine article if we know God—not just know about God. As children grow to young adulthood in our churches, they are searching for a faith that has warmth and vitality of close relationship with the living God, and the sure footing of sound doctrine that will stand the storms of life. Relationship with God is the passionate assurance that the Sovereign God of the Bible can be known by his people in all the experiences of life. Our relationship with God will beckon our children to draw near to him as their source of comfort and rest. (Instructing a Child's Heart, copyright 2008, page 29)
And then these words from Pastor Kempton Turner from a seminar he gave during the 2011 Children Desiring God National Conference:
The big purpose of calling the disciples was so that they might be with Jesus. He knew if they were to have a Gospel influence on the world, the most important thing for His disciples was that they be with Him. Only after close fellowship with Jesus would they be ready to make disciples throughout the world. So also, the effectiveness of your ministry to children and young people will be directly proportionate to your time being with Jesus. This message is about you and Jesus. God’s central strategy for impacting souls is always other people. He uses blood-bought, redeemed people to impact the next generation. The Lord uses men and women in love with Jesus Christ to advance His kingdom. (from “Your Testimonies Are My Delight,” a seminar delivered on March 11, 2011.)
You can watch Pastor Kempton's entire message here:
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