Christian parents worldwide are having to deal with challenges unlike anything we experienced when our kids were young. In addition to raising their children in the Lord, parents must be fastidiously discerning when it comes to their children’s education, social media activities, entertainment choices, and relationships with unbelieving friends and family members. Who wouldn’t be worried about their children's spiritual well being, and how will Christian families cope living in such an ungodly world?
GOD WILL PRESERVE HIS CHURCH First, we can take real comfort knowing that nothing falls outside the parameters of God’s eternal plan for the world and for His people.
THE POWER OF THE GOSPEL Despite the world around us never underestimate the power of God’s glorious Gospel when it comes to awakening your child's heart—especially when it is accompanied by fervent prayer…
THE NECESSITY OF SEPARATION …Gospel centered parenting includes teaching our children the necessity of Biblical separation if we want them to understand what it means to be sincere followers of Jesus Christ...
SALT AND LIGHT Nevertheless, God did not intend New Testament believers to be cloistered away in monasteries because He calls us to be salt and light in this hopeless world. Our children need to observe the joy and peace only God can give in the midst of trials and adversity. They need to understand that we are citizens of the City of God and are commanded to love and pray for our enemies. Imperfect parents as we are, they need to see us fighting the good fight and keeping the faith until we finish the race.
You can read the entire article here.(Image courtesy of tuelekza at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)