Oh no, a child is BORED!

ID-10063144This article by  Geoff Thomas had me laughing and then…really thinking. While you may not agree completely with his perspective (I sure didn’t), there is still a lot to consider is his short article. Here is how he begins:

 An elder preceded the minister into the pulpit and then came to the front and addressed the congregation. “Last week…a child was bored in the service.” A gasp went through the congregation. Men looked at their feet, women cried quietly, and children went white. “The church officers are meeting with the minister during the week and will announce our conclusions next Sunday. In the meantime we want to apologise to that child and his parents and all the other children,” the elder concluded before leaving the pulpit. The ashen-faced preacher came to the pulpit, and in a trembling voice began the service…

(“A Child Was Bored in the Service” www.banneroftruth.org)

Read the whole article here.

(Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)

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