Children Desiring God Blog // To Be Like Jesus Curriculum  

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” is a common question asked of children and young people. Yet as interesting and insightful as their answers may be, this question pales in comparison to a more distinct and crucial one addressed in the Westminster Larger Catechism:

Q. 1. What is the chief and highest end of man? A. Man’s chief and highest end is to glorify God, and fully to enjoy him forever.

This question and answer defines our being, identity, and purpose: Godward. It fundamentally grounds us in what is unique about us—that we have been created to reflect and image forth the awesome majesty and worth of our Creator. And, in that imaging forth, we are to pursue the highest purpose: glorifying God! We glorify God by giving Him the honor, respect, love, devotion, obedience, and worship He so rightly deserves.

Children Desiring God Blog // To Be Like Jesus Salvation Definition

Why is this so important for our children to know? Because it is only by embracing this call that they will be able to experience true, lasting joy. To Be Like Jesus was written to help our children understand these truths.

The study establishes the foundation of what it means to be created in the image and likeness of God and shows how we have sinned and utterly fallen short of glorifying God as we should. Then, students will learn nine elements of salvation to show how it is accomplished, applied, and worked out in the lives of God's people. Finally, To Be Like Jesus explores 19 specific commands of Scripture that highlight how we can live out that salvation as we become more like Jesus and love God most.

Children Desiring God Blog // To Be Like Jesus Salvation Sign

The To Be Like Jesus curriculum has been completely revised to better equip teachers, engage students, and impact families. The Teacher's Guide features updated lesson content, improved illustrations with more teacher-student interaction, teacher devotionals for each lesson, increased application questions, optional activities for classes with extra time, and a streamlined design that is easier to teach from. There are over 230 pages of new, full-color visuals, including three larger posters—the Salvation Sign, the Love God Most Heart and the Salvation Definition (all shown above). The Student Workbook is bursting with redesigned activities tailored specifically for 3rd- to 5th-grade students to help them further understand the lesson and apply it to their lives. Finally, the Growing in Faith Together: Parent and Child Resource Pages help teachers and parents partner together to guide students through the study and enable parents to focus on application during the week. To Be Like Jesus is an essential study to help elementary students understand God’s amazing gift of salvation. Our prayer is that they see both the duty and delight of walking in His ways through grace-fueled obedience to His commands.

"To be like Jesus is to be enabled to glorify God and enjoy Him forever!"—JILL NELSON

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If you have questions about the curriculum, or if you own the original version of To Be Like Jesus and would like to learn more about upgrade specials, please contact our team at 877.400.1414 or      
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