God’s Attributes Book Now Available

God’s Attributes Book Now Available

Over more than two decades, many children have been introduced to the attributes of God through our curriculum, The ABCs of God. We are thrilled to announce a companion resource designed especially for use in the home: God’s Attributes. Here is a short description from the Preface,



Every day, children are full of a myriad of questions. They have a God-given curiosity to know the “who, what, where, when, and why” of everything around them. Discovering answers is how they grow in knowledge and understanding. But some questions tower above all others in importance. As adults, it is our sacred responsibility to direct them to the most essential questions of all: Who is God? What is He like? How should I act toward God?

God’s Attributes has been written to address these questions. In looking at God’s Word, children will be led to discover the incomparable beauty and grandeur of the greatness and worth of God. It’s important to note that there is a strategic flow to the chapters that is meant to lead to a clear presentation of the gospel. Through this structure, children can better understand the essence, means, and goal of the gospel within the larger context of God’s character.

You can find out more about this new resource here and read a sample chapter here. God's Attributes would make a wonderful end of the Sunday school year gift for children who have recently completed The ABCs of God curriculum. You may want to explore all of the Making HIM Known series which have been written as companion resources for specific Truth78 curricula.


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