New Study to Help Children Treasure the Church

New Study to Help Children Treasure the Church

Imagine your children and students as adults 20 years in the future. No matter what the cultural climate or the circumstances of the day – whether pandemics, floods, droughts, persecution, suffering, or maybe even peace and prosperity – will they echo these words with whole-hearted conviction?

Oh how good it is
When the family of God
Dwells together in spirit
In faith and unity.
Where the bonds of peace,
Of acceptance and love
Are the fruit of His presence
Here among us.

So with one voice we'll sing to the Lord
And with one heart we'll live out His word
Till the whole earth sees
The Redeemer has come
For He dwells in the presence of His people.

(From the hymn, “Oh, How Good It Is” by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Ross Holmes, and Stuart Townend)

These words are meant to reflect the wonder, beauty, and uniqueness of Jesus’ church, God’s family, living together as His chosen, blessed, redeemed, and holy people – no matter what the cultural climate or circumstances of the day. But too often, children have not been clearly and systematically taught about the church – what is truly is, what it’s called to do, and why they should long to be an active member of Jesus’ church. I Will Build My Church has been written to address that need.

When most children hear the word “church,” the first thing that usually comes to mind is a particular place—a building. Church is a place where they go for a weekly worship service, Sunday school classes, and more. However, as the Bible defines it, the church is something much more beautiful, wonderful, and profound.

The church is God’s chosen, blessed, redeemed, and holy people, who are called to worship God, to love and build up one another into Christlikeness, and to proclaim the gospel to the lost.

The lessons in I Will Build My Church develop these themes as the study progresses and build up to the glorious triumph of Jesus’ church for all eternity.


Throughout this curriculum, children will be taught different aspects of Jesus’ church—what the church truly is, when and how it began, who it includes, how it functions, and its ultimate purpose. Many of the lessons are very practical in that they explain the various elements of regular church life that we often take for granted: gathering for a weekly worship service, the preaching of the Word, corporate prayer, participating in the Lord’s Supper, living out the one-another commands, missions, etc.

Throughout the lessons, there are various activities that have been designed to introduce children to your local church’s history, leadership, ministries, and practices.

By helping children understand these basic realities of the body of Christ, our hope and prayer is that they will see and experience the church with a growing sense of awe, love, and appreciation. Furthermore, and especially for children who are already trusting in Christ, this study is also designed to encourage and equip them for greater participation in the life of the church.


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