Light in a Dark World

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  ...Karl Marx declared that the modern age would sweep all conventional morality and political structures aside in a complete transformation of values. In his memorable words, “all that is solid melts into air.” We are in the age of the advanced meltdown of those values. What Marx promised is now happening before our eyes. What can explain it? A witness to the collapse of Marx’s revolution, that great Russian prophet Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, explained it with four simple words: “Men have forgotten God.” And so they have. Nothing else can explain the great shift in worldview we are witnessing.—R. Albert Mohler,Jr.
When I read this quote, it would be an understatement to say my heart is moved. Christians will be stirred by God’s calling to bring his light and truth to a darkened, shifting world. But how quickly this passion can be beaten down and intimidated by thinking about the enormity of the task—discouragement, even despair can settle in and immobilize us. How near “the point of no return” our society seems to be! What can one person do to pull it back—even a little? To start, we can remember God! He is all-powerful and wonderful, and nothing is impossible for Him. He sends forth His word, and it accomplishes His purposes! The darkness will not overcome His light! Do not be afraid! Now is the time to immerse yourself in God’s word and let Him equip you to teach the Bible to the next generation—that these young ones also would remember God and know that He is all-powerful and wonderful, and that nothing is impossible for Him.
We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done. (Psalm 78:4 ESV)
Then, as you faithfully and persistently disciple the next generation, trust in God’s promises to bring forth the growth! You are pouring the light of God’s truth, His words of life, into those who will one day courageously lead their generation as Christ’s beacons in the world. Children Desiring God partners with churches and families for just this purpose. Through curriculum, books, website resources, and the IMPACT regional conferences and seminars, we hope to encourage and equip you with tools to effectively disciple the next generation of light-bearers. We invite you to join us and learn more about our discipleship vision at our next IMPACT Regional Conference to be held in Austin, Texas on March 21-22, followed by IMPACT: Los Angeles on May 2-3. Click here for more information on these conferences, and then watch our website for dates and locations of future IMPACT Regional Conferences near you.
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