Leave Behind a Treasury of Prayers

Leave Behind a Treasury of Prayers

The older I get, the more I think about what I want to leave behind for my children and grandchildrenwhat kind of legacy or inheritance I want them to have. These words from Joel Beeke offer a great perspective and challenge,

The salvation of our children is priceless; their spiritual needs far outweigh their physical needs. They need our prayers—our earnest prayers with hearts aflame, both for their initial repentance and coming to Christ by faith, and for their life of ongoing growth in faith. Matthew Henry rightly declared that it is of far more value for parents who die to leave behind a treasury of prayers for their children than it is to leave behind a treasury of silver and gold. (Praying for Our Children’s Salvation, ligonier.org)

Are you seeking to leave behind a legacy of prayers for your children, grandchildren, and students? Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the spiritual needs you see in their lives and your own? Are you sometimes at a loss over what to pray? Would you like to develop a more regular and focused pattern of praying? At Truth78 we want to inspire, encourage, and equip parents and others to leave behind a treasury of biblical prayers for their children. One of those resources is the newly revised booklet, Praying for the Next Generation by Sally Michael. In brief,

This booklet has been written with the hope that you will not only faithfully pray for your children but also for the generations to come. It is intended to serve as a tool to help focus your prayers. The first section uses Psalm 1 to model praying through Scripture. The second section includes other Scriptures to pray regularly for the coming generations. This is followed by 12 topics for prayer and some appropriate Bible passages for each topic. As you read the Bible, you may discover other passages that God lays on your heart for your children and their children. For this reason, some blank space has been left at the end of each topic for your own notes.

You can find out more about this resource and our other prayer resources here.

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