In her seminar, “Involving Parents in the Classroom,” Connie Oman (Coordinator for Training and Classroom Support at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis) offered some very practical ideas for encouraging parents to become more acquainted and involved in their child's classroom experience.
- Host a Parent Orientation and Open House at the beginning of each Sunday school year where students and their parents hear an overview of the curriculum and class structure, as well as meet the teachers and volunteers.
- Send out a monthly Class Newsletter to every home that highlights lesson themes, Bible memory, additional resources for the home, announcements, prayer requests, etc.
- Send each student home with a Parent Resource Page (if included in the curriculum) that offers parents follow-up discussion questions from the lessons.
- Encourage parents to be a Substitute Teacher or Small Group Leader for a day. Or, have parents sign up to bring and help serve a treat.
- Host a Sunday Lunch for the families of your class.
- Give a personal invitation for Parents Classroom Visits. For example, the following type of invitation could be sent to the parents of young children,
You are invited to visit our Sunday school class—to worship God with us as we hear and discuss the Bible story, sing songs, practice our memory verses, play with toys, and eat a snack. At the check-in counter, you will find a sign-up sheet to schedule your visit—pick a Sunday that best fits your schedule. During your visit, we’d love to have you share a little about your family. We would also love to have the class pray for you!
You can read and print out more of Connie's helpful ideas