In the Works: A New Kind of Children’s Bible Resource

In the Works: A New Kind of Children’s Bible Resource

Among all the resources that Truth78 has developed over the years and all the ones we are planning for in the future, I don’t think there is one that I am more excited about than More Than a Story, a new resource to introduce children to the whole counsel of God.

There are at least six reasons why I can hardly wait for this resource to be produced.

  1. It will bring together into a single volume more than 150 God-centered, gospel-focused, discipleship-oriented, and theologically grounded stories that reflect major themes of the Bible and the distinctives emphasized in our curricula. Its chronological, Bible survey approach will impart a cohesive understanding of the message of God’s Word.
  2. It will not depend upon a teacher or a classroom to present the glorious truths that these stories reveal. All that will be required is a place for a child to sit with a loved-one who embraces the Psalm 78 mandate to faithfully “tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done” (verse 4).
  3. More Than a Story will invite interaction with the child about the truths the stories reveals, the key themes they reinforce, and the overarching understanding of God’s plan of salvation.  
  4. I am especially excited about the potential global impact of this book. There are a number of curriculum translation projects in process in several language groups. However, it can take years to get our entire scope and sequence translated. This book will likely now become the resource that partners will prioritize for new translation initiatives within a language group. Even though it will not include the depth of comprehensive teaching found in our curricula, it will be sufficiently comprehensive and robust to lay a solid foundation of biblical truth for those with few or no resources for the instruction of children. We are collaborating with translation partners and looking for financial partners who will help fund the translation and publication of this resource for specific language groups.
  5. Fred Apps is illustrating this book. You can find an early draft of three of the stories Fred has illustrated here. You can see why I am so grateful to God for Fred’s help. We asked him to create more than 300 illustrations for this project which will keep him very busy for the next year. We recently had to ask Fred to stop his work because we did not have the funds to continue paying him. But he did not want to delay the project, so he resolved to keep working, trusting that God will provide in due time. 
  6. Ever since I met Sally 44 years ago, I have known that it was in the heart of this woman who became my wife to write a book like this. Words cannot describe the joy I have had seeing God sustain that vision for all these years, and now witnessing what seems to be “the fullness of time” in God making that dream and prayer a reality. 

Would you help us complete this project and prepare it for broad reach through translation partners?  

  • Would you be willing to join us in praying that God will bring to completion this work that He has begun for the faith of the next generation?
  • Would you consider partnering with us financially to help us cover the $85,000 for design, production, and translation preparation needed to complete this project? 
  • Would you consider sharing information about this project and the broader ministry of Truth78 with people you know who might be interested in partnering with us? (You can use the share button in the bottom right-hand corner of this page to share this post by email or social media) 
  • If you are not among the Truth78 financial partners who are contributing regularly, please consider joining us to help support projects like More Than a Story as well our ongoing efforts to produce resources for church and home that support the faithful instruction and discipleship of our children

May the Lord bless you in this glorious season of the year and bring much fruit from your faithful labors for the fame of His glory and for the everlasting joy of the next generation.

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