Thank you so much for your partnership. We really appreciate you and consider it a wonderful privilege to minister together. We trust and pray that the Lord is strengthening you during this very busy season as you prepare for fall programs.
One item that may not come to your full attention during this time is the license agreement for our electronic resources. If you have not recently done so, we would be very grateful for you to carefully review these agreements.
We love the fact that Children Desiring God is a non-profit ministry. Some implications:
We place a higher priority on serving you and the church rather than simply engaging in a financial transaction.
- This philosophy compels us to offer an electronic distribution policy built on trust, foregoing a more technologically advanced and costly compliance system.
We need your help in carefully complying with this policy to allow us to keep costs lower and provide ongoing revenue for the development of more resources—including a growing number of free resources to better equip and train parents and ministry workers.
Here is a quick reminder…
Electronic Workbook license—each is licensed for one student for the duration of the year in which the curriculum is taught. When the curriculum is taught in the future, new licenses are needed.
Electronic Teacher Guide/Leader Edition license—each is licensed for one teacher, small group leader, or other classroom volunteer. Five volunteers requires five licenses. If two teachers alternate weeks or months, they would each need their own license. The policy allows a license to be reassigned in future years, knowing different adults will volunteer from year to year. However, when the license is reassigned, the PDF must be deleted from the original user’s computer and any printouts passed on to the new person or destroyed.
Posting on your website
Please do not post electronic workbooks or teaching materials on any website, including your church website. Some people have done this not realizing it is a copyright infringement as it makes the materials accessible to non-licensed users.
If you find that you are out of compliance, feel free to contact our Customer Service Team (info@childrendesiringGod.org or 1-877-400-1414), and we will be happy to assist you.
If you are interested in knowing why we have structured our electronic licenses this way please
read more.