How to Prepare Your Child for the Best Classroom Experience

How to Prepare Your Child for the Best Classroom Experience

I can’t wait to get into the classroom again. I love teaching the next generation about “the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done” (Psalm 78:4)—especially the wonders of the gospel of Jesus! As a teacher, I am already busy planning and preparing for the year, as are many other classroom volunteers. But parents, we need your help to ensure that your child will have the best possible experience in the classroom. Here are some basic things you can do to help.

Plan ahead.

  • Establish a Saturday evening routine helping your children get their clothes, Bibles, and other things ready. As much as possible, plan your schedule to allow enough time for a good night’s sleep.
  • Make sure your children eat a good breakfast on Sunday morning.
  • Allow time for your child to use the restroom before class.
  • If it’s a long morning (worship service plus Sunday school), provide your children with a quick snack or drink of water in between.

Prepare your child’s heart for the classroom.

  • Use the travel time to church to create a spiritual atmosphere. For example: Pray together, recite Bible memory verses, sing worship songs, or listen to a worship CD, etc.
  • Pray with and for your child before class each week. Ask the Lord to give your child an attentive mind, a tender heart, and a submissive spirit toward God and His Word. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be at work to nurture genuine faith in Christ, and to give your child a greater love for Christ and a growing desire to follow His ways. 
  • Talk to your child and pray with him regarding having a humble heart that looks to the needs of others in the classroom. (See Philippians 2:3.) Encourage your child to be a blessing in the way he speaks and acts toward his teachers and other students.

Bring your child to class on time.

  • Be aware of any specific check-in procedures and allow extra time for these.
  • When dropping your child, be sure to convey a sense of appreciation and thankfulness to the classroom volunteers. 

Take an active interest in what your child is being taught.

  • At the beginning of a new Sunday school year, spend time talking about the importance of knowing and understanding God’s Word—the most important instruction of all! Read and talk about passages like these: 2 Timothy 3:15-17; John 20:31; Psalm 19:7-11; and Psalm 119:12-16.
  • If not already provided, ask for an overview of the curriculum and any weekly take-home pages. 
  • During the week, take time to review and discuss the Bible lesson. Go beyond merely recalling facts. Engage the heart and will in personal application. (Truth78 provides take-home pages for each of our curricula lessons to help you do this.) If you take a deep interest in what is taught, your child will be more likely to do so, too.
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