How Teaching Big Truths Prepared a Family for Suffering

How Teaching Big Truths Prepared a Family for Suffering

When Mike and Deb Watters first started teaching My Purpose Will Stand, a study on the sovereignty of God, to their church's sixth grade class, they were excited to explore big truths with the kids. What they didn't realize was that God was also teaching them, preparing them for the storms that were ahead of them as a family.

In this interview about their experience, Mike says,

We learned in a new way, and had confirmed what we had been teaching through the curriculum for the past five years, that God has a plan, that He is not surprised, that He is active, that he is continuing to work out His purposes for His glory and that all things will work for His glory. We learned that in a much different way than simply teaching a curriculum. We saw that up close in the front row.

In a day when so much of God's Word is being watered down and outright rejected, the Watterses' story shows how God's big biblical truths prepare all believers, young and old, to stand strong in faith amidst profound suffering.

Have you been strengthened through teaching one of the Truth78 curricula or devotionals? We'd love to hear your story at

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