Head, Heart, Hands, and Habitat

Ware Quote At our 2013 National Conference, Dr. Bruce Ware presented an excellent seminar titled "Teaching Children to Know and Love God by Knowing and Loving Theology." In that seminar, he emphasized teaching biblical truth in a manner that focuses on a progression of head, heart, hands, and habitat. Here is a summary of what he means by that: The Progression of Truth—
  • The mind’s understanding (knowing the truth) is necessary for the heart’s engagement with that truth (loving the truth). Knowing the truth provides the possibility and basis for loving the truth.
  • The heart’s engagement with truth (loving the truth) is necessary for the hand’s activity in applying that truth (living the truth). Loving the truth provides the possibility and basis for living the truth.
  • The hand’s applying the truth (living the truth) is what makes possible the transformation of others and our cultural environment (transformed by the truth).
The order is crucial:

Head → Heart → Hands → Habitat

Knowing → Loving → Living → Transforming

You can watch his seminar below and download his notes here. http://vimeo.com/68570090
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