He Is Risen! Spread the Best News Ever!

He Is Risen! Spread the Best News Ever!

Recently, I was shopping at a well-known “super store.” As soon as I entered, I was inundated with bunnies, plastic eggs, baskets, etc.—all the fixings for children to celebrate Easter. Completely absent was anything remotely related to the true meaning of that day. Christ’s glorious resurrection has been crowded out and obscured by cute bunnies and yummy candy. Such is the tragic state of our world!

Just consider for a moment the absolute, unshakable, life-transforming, everlasting reality, secured by the resurrection of Jesus.

In Philippians 2:9-11, [Paul] says that "God has highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

To say that Jesus is "Lord" means

  • that he is the rightful King of the universe,
  • that he is ruler over all the world,
  • that he is the commander of all the armies of heaven and of all his Christian soldiers on the earth,
  • that he is now reigning until he has put all his enemies under his feet,
  • that he is triumphant over sin and death and pain and Satan and hell, and
  • that he will one day establish his kingdom of righteousness and joy on the earth and reign forever and ever to the glory of his Father.

(John Piper, “Raising Children Who Hope in the Triumph of God”)

Church and parents, let’s be at the forefront this Easter season in spreading the best news of all. Let’s make sure our own children and the other children we care about are told the immeasurable riches of the gospel that was accomplished and secured in Christ. Let’s highlight and emphasize the meaning of Jesus’ resurrection in light of the entire storyline of Scripture: Who is Jesus? Why did He die? Why does it matter that He rose again? What does this mean for me?

Toward that end, I’d like to highlight four gospel resources that you could...

  • use as family devotional material as you prepare for Easter.
  • give as gifts to your grandchildren.
  • read to your Sunday school class.
  • or give away from your church to neighboring families as an outreach ministry.

Consider using these resources to help children explore the marvelous good news of the gospel:

  • Glorious God, Glorious Gospel
    Glorious God, Glorious Gospel has been developed as a family devotional for parents to use with their children to ground them in the essential, foundational, and glorious truths of the gospel. 
  • The World Created, Fallen, Redeemed, and Restored
    The World Created, Fallen, Redeemed, and Restored has been written so that children might know and embrace the life-transforming truths of the gospel. Through the use of key Scriptures and child-friendly, compelling narrative, children will encounter the greatest realities in all the universe—and in their own lives.
  • God's Gospel
    God's Gospel helps parents introduce their children to their need for a Savior, and lays out God's plan of salvation and what the wonderful news of our Savior's sacrifice means for us.
  • Helping Children Understand the Gospel
    This resource covers: preparing the hearts of children to hear the gospel, discerning stages of spiritual growth, communicating the essential truths of the gospel, and presenting the gospel in an accurate and child-friendly manner. Includes a 10-week family devotional.
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