The Grief and Glories of the Cross, Free Chapters from More Than a Story

The Grief and Glories of the Cross, Free Chapters from More Than a Story

We can never fully grasp the extreme necessity of the cross or the profound depth of love, sacrifice, and forgiveness represented by the cross. If we as adults have this difficulty, imagine how difficult it is for our children. The meaning of Easter for children is even more confused by our culture’s preoccupation with Easter bunnies, decorated eggs, overflowing baskets of candy, Easter egg hunts, and bright spring flowers, all of which detract from the sober reality of what happened on the cross and why it needed to happen.

In an effort to acquaint children with the sober realities and the glorious grace of Jesus’ work on the cross, Truth78 is offering two chapters from More Than a Story: New Testament so that your family and especially your children might gain a fuller understanding and deeper appreciation of what our Savior endured on our behalf.

Though they don't tell the complete story of redemption covered in the book, these two chapters may stir in your children a desire not to trivialize this season and to focus on the greater things that lead to eternal life. Perhaps they will rejoice more fully in the resurrection of Jesus who accomplished our redemption and perfectly fulfilled the Father’s plan from before the beginning of time.

May the Lord give you a refreshed appreciation for the salvation purchased by Jesus as you guide your children through Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed. (1 Peter 2:24, ESV)

May you and your family have a blessed Easter.

Download Jesus Dies for Sinners: An Excerpt from More Than a Story.

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