Grandparent discipling grandson

Grandparenting is for Discipling the Next Generation

When I first became a grandparent 13 years ago, people would ask, “How do you like being a grandma?” I’d typically say something like, “It’s great! All of the benefits of having children without the responsibilities.” But I quickly came to realize that my answer was careless and thoughtless. Why? Because God has given grandparents a huge and glorious responsibility—one that is also an awesome privilege, as Psalm 78 reveals. It says,

Not only are parents commanded to teach their children about Him and all that He requires; God also commands grandparents to teach those things to their grandchildren.

How to Become a Psalm 78 Grandparent

I have a great responsibility to my own grandchildren, but also  to other members of the next generation, whether reading Bible stories to my grandchildren, praying with and for them, teaching in Sunday school, volunteering in the nursery, being a mentor to a teen–the list of possibilities goes on and on. I am to proclaim to them the glorious deeds of the LORD and the wonders He has done. They need to hear the good news of the gospel from my lips and see me living out the gospel in my life. This is my calling, no matter how old I get! It’s a weighty responsibility, and a high and glorious one. One grandma I know is doing devotions with her grandchildren living overseas. They’re reading Glorious God, Glorious Gospel together over the internet.

There are many creative ways and helpful resources you can use in Psalm 78 grandparenting. Consider:

Discipleship resources 

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