#GivingTuesday | Together in Vision, Partners on Mission

Children Desiring God Blog // Giving Tuesday

Dear Children Desiring God Customers,

It is such a privilege to labor with you in a common vision, a vision we cannot fully accomplish on our own. Only God can bring about this vision for the next generations because only God can reach the heart. 

Our vision is that the next generations know, honor, and treasure God, setting their hope in Christ alone, so that they will live as faithful disciples for the glory of God.

Honestly, this is what I love most about Children Desiring God…being dependent on God to accomplish this vision. No one is more capable than God to bring about His purposes.

We are not, however, on the sidelines watching. We are in the game. God has called us to a particular mission…this is what we are joyfully giving ourselves to.

Our mission is to nurture the faith of the next generations by equipping the church and home with resources and training that instruct the mind, engage the heart, and influence the will through proclaiming the whole counsel of God.

Today is Giving Tuesday. You can help to expand our reach to more children and youth of the next generations. Visit us at childrendesiringGod.org/donate to make a donation and learn more about:

Free Translation and Distribution to the World

We currently have resources and/or translation projects in…

  • Korean
  • Haitian Creole
  • Indonesian
  • Burmese
  • Falam Chin
  • Paite
  • Manipuri
  • Dutch
  • Chinese
  • Russian
  • Ukrainian
  • French
  • Romanian

Financial Assistance

We have committed to doing all we can to keep cost from preventing a church or individual from accessing and using to our resources.

This year alone we’ve assisted 87 ministries, Reaching 8,276 children and youth (actually more than that, but we just started keeping track of this number in May 2017), Who live in 25 different countries, With more than $31,000 in resources donated so far in 2017.

Your donation will help underwrite the ongoing cost of these ministry initiatives. 

Thank you for considering this request, and for your prayers that the next generations will “set their hope in God” (Psalm 78:7).


Brian Eaton Executive Director


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