"From Childhood You Have Known" Conference Media

"From Childhood You Have Known" Conference Media

Our greatest responsibility to the next generations, detailed in Psalm 78, is to make known to them the glorious realities of God's holy Word. Passing on the faith begins with biblical literacy, the focus of Truth78's "From Childhood You Have Known" conference in Louisville, KY, October 18-19, 2019. 

We've provided here links for the video of the plenary sessions and audio and handouts for the breakout seminars.

Plenary Sessions

Missions to the Future: The Power of Proverbs for Sharing the Gospel with Children: Ryan Fullerton

Ryan Fullerton, lead pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church, shows the urgent opportunities Christians have to spread the gospel to the ultimate unreached people group: those yet to be born. But also, he warns of the damage that follows when one generation neglects to teach the next to know the Lord and His mighty works. He takes as his guide, Proverbs, showing how to transfer the faith in wisdom--in practical, lived theology. Watch video

In the second plenary address at the "From Childhood You Have Known" Conference, Dr. Bruce Ware, professor of Christian Theology at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, focuses both on being the parents we need to be, as well as teaching our children what we need to teach. Watch video

What does it look like to obey the Psalm78 mandate in the church and home--to faithfully teach what we’ve been given so that the next generation will set their hope in God? In their plenary message, David and Sally Michael present a vision for churches and parents who are zealous for the faith of the children in their programs and homes, marked by seven biblical commitments for the discipleship of the next generations. Watch video

Preparing the Next Generation for a World We Have Never Known: Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

In his plenary address, Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, stresses the urgency of biblical literacy for a generation in the midst of cultural disruption. Watch video

Breakout Seminars

In addition to the plenary messages, practical breakout seminars highlighted and helped implement biblical literacy in homes and churches. 

Breakout Seminar 1

  • Pastoral Leadership and Oversight of Christian Education  David Michael 
    Audio | Notes 
  • Teaching Youth and Engaging their Hearts  Sally Michael
    Audio | Notes 
  • Training Children Towards Biblical Literacy  Jill Nelson
  • The Power of the Memorized Word  Brian Eaton  
    Audio | Notes 
  • Family Devotions Matter  Steve Watters 
    Audio | Notes 
  • Introduction to Truth78 Curriculum and Sequence  Holly Urbanski 
    Audio | Notes 

Breakout Seminar 2

  • Christ-centered Parenting  David and Sally Michael 
    Audio | Notes 
  • Gospel-faithfulness in the Classroom  Jill Nelson
  • Reaching the Heart - The Importance of Application  Brian Eaton 
    Video | Notes 
  • Elementary Lesson Preparation and Presentation  Jo Ann Dinsmore and Kate Britton 
    Audio | Notes 
  • Recruiting, Training, Equipping Volunteers  Mary Steele 
    Audio | Notes 
  • Preschool Teaching  Holly Urbanski 
    Audio | Notes 

Conference photos

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