Freely Spreading Truth78 Resources Around the World

Freely Spreading Truth78 Resources Around the World

In my opinion, this represents one of the most exciting things to be found on our new web site:



छिपी बातें: किंगडम दृष्टांतों पर बच्चों के लिए प्रचारक-संबंधी अध्ययन 

Бог свідчить про себе: біблійні історії Старого Заповіту для дітей

What is this? It's a small sampling of Truth78 resources that have been translated into other languages—in this case, Chinese, Hindi, and Ukrainian. You can find these resources on our Languages page. (You can also find this page under the “About” heading on our main menu.) There, you will find these introductory words:

Our mission to the next generation is a global mission. Our means to reach the global next generations is through the translation of our English resources into languages of the world.

Our approach, though laborious, is very simple. We partner with nonprofit organizations and individuals who share our passion and approach to ministry to the next generation...who are committed to careful translation and theological accuracy, and are able to contextualize illustrations for relevance. Once accepted into our translation program, we provide Truth78 resources to the translation team for free. After they complete the translations (including theological and editorials checks), Truth78 will host and freely distribute the translated resources through our website.

Yes, these translated resources are freely distributed through our new website! We currently have resources and curricula available in 12 different languages. Our hope and prayer is to continue partnering with more translation teams so that, together, we may joyfully obey Jesus’ command to…

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…” (Matthew 28:19-20a)

  • Review the resources available from the Languages overview and share them with people you know who would benefit from these translations. You can use the share button in the bottom corner of the Languages page or at the bottom of each individual language page to easily share by email or social media.
  • See how you can support translation efforts in response to the great global need for solid biblical teaching.
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