For Us, And Our Children after Us

For Us, And Our Children after Us

May this prayer by David Michael shape your prayers for the next generation in this season.

Blessed be Your name O LORD, for You have wondrously shown Your steadfast love to us. 

How blessed are those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High and abide in the shadow of the Almighty!

How blessed are those who can say to You, "My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

You are the stronghold of our lives, please be that for our children and their children after them. Let all who take refuge in You rejoice!

For there was a day when there was no place to hide,

A day when we were alienated from You,

  • No shelter to dwell in,
  • No shadow to abide in,
  • No fortress, no refuge,
  • Cut off from You, who are now our stronghold.

Gracious Heavenly Father, may all that You have become for us in Christ, be also for our children and their children after them. 

Blessed be the day when we were reconciled to You through Jesus Christ.

Blessed be the day that You adopted us in Christ and we became children of God. What great consolation there is in knowing that there is no longer a quarrel between us. Oh Lord, grant that our children and their children after them would taste this same consolation and be reconciled to You.   

What joy there is knowing that we are Yours forever,

       Yours through all the difficulties of life, 

       Yours when we take our last breath, 

       Yours in the resurrection, 

       And Yours for all eternity.  

Oh Lord, give to our children and their children after them this joy! 

We thank You, Lord Jesus, for every spiritual success that You have given us, 

       Every bold step of faith, 

       Every victory over sin, 

       Every act of integrity, 

       Every faithful work of service,

       And every fruit of holiness. 

But…oh God, please give us and our children more success! Forgive us for all the wrong that we have done.

  • We wish that our ways and the ways of our children would be so directed that we would never slip or fall.
  • We wish that our thoughts were always pure and our feelings always right.
  • We wish that we would never speak unadvisedly or give way to anger.
  • We wish that we were never self-seeking. 
  • We wish that we were perfectly obedient in thought, word, and deed.  

May we and our children always have such desires.

  • May we never be satisfied until we wake in Christ's likeness.  
  • May experience teach us more and more how to avoid occasions of sin.  
  • May we grow more watchful; may we have a greater influence over our own will. 
  • By the power of Your Spirit at work in us and in our children, may we control ourselves under all circumstances and so act that, if You were to come at any moment, we would not be ashamed.  

Grant that we and our children after us would love You, Lord Jesus, more intensely, and be concerned and passionate for the souls of those who are still in darkness. Hold back the floods of infidelity that rolls over this land. Let Your Word run and be glorified. Turn more hearts to the hearing of Your Word, and awaken their consciences. May thoughts of death and eternity irresistibly press in on their souls. Overthrow every idol so that Christ alone may reign alone in their hearts for Your glory and their joy.

Oh God, spare us and our children after us from living fruitless and wasted lives. Let no gift be set aside and lay dormant. By Your Spirit, help us and our children to spend our lives and everything we have for the advancement of Your Kingdom. Make us like trees that are planted by rivers of water so that we may be vigorous and bring forth abundant fruit to the praise and glory of Your great name.  

For whatever is ahead for us and our children, grant us the grace to keep our eyes on You, who for the joy that was set before You endured the cross, despising the shame, and are now seated at the right hand of God. According to Your promise, keep us until that day when our faith shall be sight. That day, when the clouds are rolled back, the trumpet sounds, and You descend to take us home to be with You and to delight in You forever. Even so, come quickly, we pray in Jesus’ name.


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