This is the third in a series of posts to help you prepare your staff, volunteers, classroom, and parents for fall Sunday School.
At our 2013 Conference we were amazed at the number of comments we received regarding one seminar in particular: Bud Burk's teaching on Utter Dependency on God, Through Prayer. Listen to what people had to say:
God stirred my own heart in so many ways. One great challenge was PRAYER—Bud Burk's workshop on Utter Dependency on God. All the seminars I attended were so so good! Especially the seminar about the importance of prayer by Bud... The most Spirit driven, led and empowered seminar that I attended was on "prayer" by Bud Burk. He was filled with passion, zeal, and love for intimacy and communion through prayer with Jesus. I LOVE THE book that he wrote...
That last comment was shared by Carrie Christopher, who serves as Kids Director at Terra Nova Church in Troy, New York. We asked her to share how Bud's seminar and his booklet have impacted her life and ministry.
This resource has truly encouraged, engaged and sparked my own heart to humbly seek Jesus’ communion through unceasing prayer. This is not just a resource for those toiling in Children’s Ministry, but for anyone seeking Jesus’ heart. This resource focuses on the dependence on the word of God, and our efforts to abide in His loving presence through prayer. I must admit this is perhaps one of the greatest truth-breathed, Christ-exalting books I have ever read! In Bud’s valiant efforts, he emphasizes prayer as a means to commune, worship, and testify to the everlasting love of Christ.
In our children’s ministry efforts, I think we can all agree, that we can easily fall into the temptation of reliance on one’s self, and our sinful yearning to abide in a measurement of ministry success by the work of our flesh. Bud encourages us as Christ-exalters that by no means should any of us continue in our fleshly efforts. For as Bud points out, John 15:5 states, "For apart from me you can do nothing." Bud brings in Christ-exalting evidence from the word of God, that we are to first seek His presence in prayer and then we shall see the work of Christ’s hand upon us.
I completely agree with Bud’s call to be a praying people to further engage the next generation’s hearts, minds and souls to love our Christ almighty. How can we expect Christ to work through the hands of the entrusted ministries that He has generously given to us, if we aren’t a people of prayer? My heart is leaping for joy at the word of God filled in this resource. This isn’t a resource that is based on the will of the flesh, but instead on the will of the Father, emphasizing Christ’s desire to be intimately one with His people.
This book gives 11 opportunities for prayer in the classroom. I was inspired by all of the Spirit-led ideas to incorporate prayer in our Sunday School classes. In fact, I am praying that through these practical ideas that Bud provides, that the Lord would raise up a generation of prayer warriors within our church.
Bud encourages us to create an "On Watch" prayer group. By God’s grace our team of children’s ministry leaders/volunteers gathered to pray for our children. It was an amazing act of His grace, that by power of the Holy Spirit, He actually showed us how to pray for the children. Giving us specific words, and burdens for them! Our leaders were praying unexpected prayers, and in the process we heard the intercessory heart of Christ for this next generation, which brought each of us closer to Him.
This resource absolutely will not collect dust on my bookshelf, but will be one that I refer to frequently. I am fervently looking forward to rereading this book to be swept away in the wind of the Holy Spirt’s desire for us to abide. Praise be to Jesus, He has already filled my heart with wisdom on who to purchase copies for and on how to integrate the content of the booklet into our teacher training.

Carrie Christopher
Terra Kids Director
Terra Nova Church
You can listen to Bud's seminar (MP3), read the notes (PDF), or purchase the booklet in print or electronic format.