When we think of sharing the Bible with children, we think of telling the story of Abraham, the story of Moses, or the story of David. But the Bible is really the story of GOD. He is the main character in all the stories of the Bible, and the Bible was written so that we might see who God is and worship Him.
Tragically, our society is becoming increasingly more biblically illiterate. Even children growing up in Christian homes often do not really know the Bible. They know some of the stories and can say a few verses, but they are often not very familiar with the Bible. They have not learned to turn to the Bible for answers. They do not count it as a treasured friend or yearn to hear its words daily. God gave us the Bible so that we might read it, treasure it, obey it, and discover His unchanging, all-knowing, all-powerful, faithful, merciful, and just character through its pages. The message God wants us to hear in the Bible is that He is God and there is no other (Isaiah 46:9b).
The Most Special Book was written that children might see the Bible as precious, and more importantly, through their study of the Bible, that they might see God as precious.

- The Most Special Book is a 28-week curriculum, including 2 more lessons than offered in the original I Stand in Awe curriculum.
- The revised curriculum is much easier for teachers to use and more engaging for students.
- A new lesson format makes it easier to teach, with clearly labeled visual prompts and symbols to indicate student participation.
- A teacher preparation section includes specific instructions for use of visuals, and preparation of additional resources.
- Lesson concepts are more clearly explained and the small group application section has been improved to help the student engage in, and apply, biblical truth.
- The visuals and student materials have been redesigned with new illustrations and artwork that can be used in print or electronic format.
Intended Use: Midweek
Grade Range: K - 2nd Grade
Curriculum Sample and Scope & Sequence