Encourage One Another in Community

Children Desiring God Blog  //  Facebook Community

When we as a team look back on our conferences, one of our favorite things is being able to connect with you, our partners is ministry. It a joy to meet you, hear your testimonies on how God is working in your ministry, share ideas, answer questions and see you networking with others. While we can't wait to see you face-to-face at our National Conference in April (registration details coming in the next few weeks), we want to keep this connection going year round and help you meet fellow partners in ministry from around the world.

You are invited to join the Children Desiring God Community on Facebook. The purpose of this group is to provide a place for children's ministry leaders and volunteers to gather and support each other as we spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things so that the next generation may know and cherish Jesus Christ as the only one who saves and satisfies the desires of the heart.

Who is the Community for?

Our Community has a wonderful group of children's ministry leaders, youth pastors, Sunday School teachers, small group leaders, worship leaders, church staff members, parents and others who use or are interested in Children Desiring God curriculum and resources. The Community is a private group on Facebook. Just click the "Request to Join" button and we will welcome you in.

What is our Community's Goal?

The Community is a place where you can connect with others who are passionate about teaching the Gospel to children. Feel free to comment on our "Community Gathering" posts or start your own discussion. Here are some conversation starter ideas:

  • Testimonies about how God is working in your ministry
  • Questions about teaching, small group leading, worship leading, team leading, starting a Sunday School program, etc.
  • Questions about specific illustrations, visuals, lessons, workbook pages, etc. (Be sure to mention the curriculum and lesson number you are asking about)
  • Ideas that worked great in your class such as an application questions or activity
  • Resources for finding supplies for your classroom
  • Prayer requests for you ministry
  • Networking–find other in children's ministry in your geographic area or ministry niche
Enjoy getting to know and encouraging each other as you answer each other's questions and share ideas!    
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