Embracing Vision for Discipleship "So That"

Embracing Vision for Discipleship "So That"

This post was adapted from a roundtable discussion with David Michael

As ministry leaders and parents, we engage in many activities with the children in our churches and homes. There are daily tasks like feeding, clothing, instructing, disciplining, entertaining, and providing comfort. There are events and programs like Sunday school, VBS, youth group, and children’s choir. All of these are important. I’d like to challenge us, though, to continually think about how these opportunities are (or could be) shaped by an overarching, clear, and intentional vision. Embracing a biblical vision for the faith of the next generation means children's ministry becomes more than childcare or “something for the children to do” while the adults are in the service. It means that parents also embrace a vision for their families and are encouraged to take what their children are being taught at church and build on that throughout the week. 

Consider vision over activity

Psalm 78, our namesake passage, says in verse 5 that a testimony has been established that we received from our fathers. Then in verse 6, it describes an activity that we need to be engaged in, namely, teach that testimony to our children and teach our children to teach it to their children. That's the activity that informs other activities. And then in verse 7, we read: “so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments.” This vision is the foundation and what inspires, motivates, and challenges us as we approach discipleship. 

A vision-oriented approach to ministry is distinct from an activity-oriented approach. There will undoubtedly be many activities, such as teaching lessons, playing games, doing crafts, leading choirs, and training volunteers. Children involved in those activities can have a great time and learn important, helpful things. I fear, however, that there are a lot of programs and activities that aren’t pointing to a specific purpose or vision. For the parents, those leading the ministry, or those participating, there may not be much beyond, “we want kids to come, and we want them to have a good time.”

There’s a significant difference when programs and activities are shaped by an overarching plan for imparting the Word of God, presenting the gospel, discipling in the truth, and establishing in the faith so that the next generation might set their hope in God. Vision is what gives all those programs and activities meaning.

Know where you’re aiming

One of the psalms that defined my role for 30 years leading children's ministry was Psalm 127:4-5: “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!” If children are arrows, the implication is they're going to be aimed at something. I think too often in children's ministry and in our homes, we're just shooting arrows any which way and not pointing them toward a specific target. The way I defined my job in leading children's ministry, and in my responsibilities as a husband and father, was to try to clarify what that target should be. If the target is fuzzy, people won’t aim toward it because they won’t understand it. If the target is out of view they’ll never hit it. My main job overseeing next-generation ministry was to help point people toward the target and make sure everything that we were doing within the ministry was pointing at that target. 

As you consider your target and aim, here are some helpful questions to ponder:

  1. Is there a vision for the next generation in your church? Is that vision clear and is it specific? What would happen if you asked your parents or your teachers, “Why does Sunday school exist in this church?” I've asked that question and the answers I’ve gotten are interesting. Sometimes you get, “We want our children to grow up knowing Jesus and knowing the gospel.” Those are good reasons to teach Sunday school, of course. But I want to push us to get specific. What specific discipleship goals do we have that link to our desires and prayers for our children to whole-heartedly embrace Christ? How do those goals clarify and inform programs and activities? 

  2. How broadly is that vision understood and embraced? It is not uncommon to find people in the church who affirm the importance of discipling the next generation and the value that both church and home bring for that purpose. However, it is less common to find parents who view specific children’s activities in the church as a means for discipleship and consider ministry leaders as partners with them for the discipleship of their children.  

  3. To what degree is there passion or zeal for that vision? Zeal is what fuels energy, creativity, and hard work to pursue that vision. If that vision is clear and people are really passionate about accomplishing the vision, that's going to add fuel to everything that you do. And people will love volunteering and be willing to invest in the ministry because they see the impact that they're having. 

If you don't yet have a vision, I want to encourage you to consider this year to be a great opportunity for developing a biblical vision for your discipleship efforts in your church or home. If you have a vision, but it needs refreshing, consider what you can do this year to make your vision clearer, more targeted, and broadly embraced by those who are entrusted with this great responsibility.

The bottom line is that we want to be sure that our efforts are moving toward our ultimate hopes and dreams for our children—to know, honor, and treasure God, set their hope in Christ alone, and live as faithful disciples for the glory of God.

See videos to help with a vision for discipleship and download Zealous and Awaken More Zeal for further inspiration and practical support.

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