Don't Miss: "Look at the Book"

ID-10076012 In a recent Desiring God blog post titled, “The Legacy I Want to Leave,” John Piper shares the following sentiments:
When I think of the coming generations, I am not content to only leave them a deposit of books and sermons that celebrate the glories of God and the wonders of Christian Hedonism. A great teacher once told me to ignore the conclusions of commentaries, and only look for their arguments. I have tried to give good arguments. But underneath all the arguments is the Book. The Bible. If future generations only learn what we saw, and not how to see it for themselves, they will be second-handers. And second-handers cannot last. They grow bored and boring. Powerful, truth-preserving, God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, soul-ravishing, mission-advancing ministry is sustained by the power to see for yourself the glories of God’s word.
To that end, Desiring God will be launching "Look at the Book." Here is John's description:
This fall we plan to launch Look at the Book, a new online method of teaching the Bible. Look at the Book is an ongoing series of 5–8 minute video interactions with the Bible in which the camera is on the text, not the teacher. You will hear my voice and watch my pen work its way into the meaning of the text. I’ll point and circle and underline in the passage, all the while talking through how I’m seeing what I’m seeing.
This looks like a great resource for parents, teachers, and even our teens and young adults. Desiring God will also be hosting a conference in September titled, “Look at the Book: Reading the Bible for Yourself.” For helpful tips and age-appropriate goals for helping children "look at the Book," check out this resource from Children Desiring God: “The Importance of Biblical Literacy for the Next Generation.” (Photo courtesy of Janaka Dharmasena at
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