Creative Classroom Idea: Bible Memory Puzzles

Here is a super simple activity that combines children's love of completing puzzles with encouragement to memorize Bible verses. Target Age: 1st-3rd Grade Supplies:
  • Cardstock or heavy-weight paper (e.g., 8.5" x 11")
  • Scissors
  • Plastic storage bags or envelopes
  • Computer and printer
  • Using a computer, type and format a Bible memory verse you are encouraging the children to learn. To add interest, include clipart or other design elements. Print the page on the cardstock.
  • Cut the page into 10-20 puzzle pieces, depending on the age of the children. (Search "puzzle template" for downloadable options.)
  • Make duplicate puzzles, depending on the number of children or based on how the puzzles will be used (e.g., one puzzle per group).
  • Place the puzzle pieces in the plastic storage bag or envelope. Label the bag or envelope with the verse reference.
Classroom Options and Variations:
  • Use the puzzles as a transition activity when children first arrive in the classroom. It gives the children who come early a fun and beneficial activity.
  • Divide the class into groups of 3-5 students. Give each group a puzzle and have a contest to see which group can complete their puzzle first.
  • Add new puzzles as new verses are being memorized. Incorporate previous puzzles for review.
  • Create a "color-your-own" version. Print the verse on cardstock, including faint lines that indicate where to cut the puzzle pieces. Give one to each child to color and cut. Place each child's verse puzzle in a bag or envelope labeled with child’s name.
  • Use the completed puzzle to play a review game. Call on children to remove a piece of the puzzle one at a time. After each piece is removed, challenge them to recite the entire verse. Repeat until all the pieces have been removed.
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