Continuing Discipleship When Sunday School is Cancelled

Continuing Discipleship When Sunday School is Cancelled

James 4:13—Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”—yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring.

It has always been true that none of us “know what tomorrow will bring,” and in recent days we are experiencing just how true it is. Our routines have been disrupted to one degree or another, and we have to adapt to unexpected circumstances. What was unimaginable two weeks ago is now reality for an uncertain period of time.

For those dealing with the unexpected and unimaginable suspension of weekend church services, including Sunday school and midweek activities, consider at least two opportunities that this situation provides.

  1. This is an opportunity to instruct our children and prepare them for a lifetime of inevitable uncertainties and adversity that they must face. Inspired by Psalm 78:7, our goal is to faithfully disciple our children in the truth about God, His works, and His ways “so that they should set their hope in God” and not in those things that are more vulnerable than we think. Truth78 has several resources available to help prepare our children for such a time as this.
  2. Without access to regular church programs, this gives parents an opportunity to lead their children in worship and increase their discipleship efforts at home. Who knows what new habits and routines may be established during the disruption of a pandemic, which will continue after life returns to “normal.”

Here are a few ideas and resources you could use:

Click on each for a further description and ordering information.  

Curriculum Related Making HIM Known books
How Majestic Is Your Name  God's Names
Faithful to All His Promises God's Promise
My Purpose Will Stand God's Providence 
The Way of the Wise  God's Wisdom 
Fight the Good Fight  God's Battle 
The Most Special Book (previously I Stand in Awe) God's Word
Jesus, What a Savior!  God's Gospel 
Rejoicing in God's Good Design God's Design

Note: The Making HIM Known books were published under the name Children Desiring God by P&R Publishing.

  • Glorious God, Glorious Gospel is a family devotional for parents of older children structured to ground them in the essential, foundational, and glorious truths of the gospel. Here’s a sample chapter as well as samples of the Glorious God, Glorious Gospel Notebook and Coloring Books (Notebook page | Coloring page) designed for younger children as they are listening.
  • Even though designed for use in the classroom, all of our 12-, 26-, or 40-week curriculum studies can be adapted for instruction at home. My Purpose Will Stand and Faithful to All His Promises are two that are especially relevant for these days.
  • For those of you in the midst of teaching Truth78 Sunday school curriculum, the Growing in Faith Together Pages are an ideal resource to email to your students’ parents to help them to continue learning at home what they’ve been studying in the classroom. You can either continue to send the GIFT Page for the lesson they would have covered in class or send pages from previous lessons to review until you’re able to meet again.

In these days when we are experiencing the unimaginable, may He “who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think” establish our children in the truth beyond what we can imagine and exceed our prayers for their faith. May these unexpected days of disruption in church-based discipleship open doors for more home-based discipleship that will continue for generations to come.

Glorious God, Glorious Gospel and God’s Gospel are are among several resources on sale as part of our Home-Based Discipleship Sale.

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