- We should draw out the thoughts of others. Communication involves not just talking but drawing out the thoughts and feelings of others…Good communication is not a monologue; it’s a dialogue. We don’t talk to our children; we talk with them.
- We should let our conversations be ruled by the wisdom of Scripture. We need to be careful not to replace God’s wisdom with man’s wisdom. For example, we need to call a sin a sin and call a lie a lie…Our children need to recognize that we think biblically, speak biblically, and act biblically without cramming religion down their throats.
- We should use discernment in what we communicate. Sometimes we overload our children with teaching. We should take care not to load too many issues on them at once…
- We should speak respectfully…There are times when our voices can show more earnestness, emphasis, or concern, but we should refrain from yelling. When we reprimand a child, it is far better to say: “I love you very much but I am disappointed in this behavior. This is not what God wants from you, and you know it.”
- We should show genuine interest and warmth…We need to make a conscious effort to tell our children how much we love them.
- We should show gratitude for the things they do…We should let the “attitude of gratitude” permeate our homes. It should permeate everything—our conversation, our activities…
- We should make eye-to-eye contact…We should strive to make eye contact when we communicate with our children to make sure they are getting our message. Good teachers know the value of eye contact in the classroom.
(Image courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)