Building a Foundation of Scripture Memory

Building a Foundation of Scripture Memory

The new “Bible Verses to Remember” children's books by Sally Michael build a foundation for memorizing Scripture and seeing God’s work in the world around us.

Published by New Growth Press and co-branded with Truth78, these books are designed to help parents, teachers, and caregivers to instruct the mind, engage the heart, and influence the will of children as they learn new Scripture.

What was the inspiration for these books and how can they serve families? Sally answers these questions and more in this interview:

What is the main message of these books? 

The three books in the “Bible Verses to Remember” series are Give God Your Worries, Good Gifts Come from God, and Our Great God

Each book is based on a memory verse and explains the meaning of the verse and encourages children and parents to memorize the verse.

The layout of these books is helpful in capturing the meaning of the text and the artwork is a great complement to the book. While being somewhat whimsical, it is also realistic enough to contribute to the veracity of Scripture. The layout and artwork in these books cleverly capture the essence of what is being communicated in the text. 

What inspired you to write this kind of book?

I put a verse set together for preschoolers when my daughters were growing up. Since then, Children Desiring God (now Truth78) has published this verse set (the Foundation Verses). Working as a minister for children in a large church, I witnessed many preschoolers memorize these verses, and have seen the impact of memorizing them not only in my own children’s lives but in the lives of children in our church.

Seeing that there are not many solid scripturally-based books for preschoolers, I was inspired to write books that would help young children build a foundation for Scripture memory.

What makes these books distinctive?

Each book:

  • Is based on a Bible verse which is explained in childlike language and portrayed by real-life illustrations.
  • Encourages scripture memory.
  • Includes suggestions for application to real life (in the “Living by the Word” section)
  • Instructs parents on how to use the book and help children memorize scripture.

Can preschoolers really memorize Scripture and understand the meaning?  

Preschoolers easily memorize Scripture simply by having a verse repeated to them several times. They also generally understand more than we think they can. Though they may not understand every verse completely, they often have a rudimentary meaning of the verse. Memorized verses give young children the opportunity to grow in their understanding of the verse. Often the Holy Spirit gives children understanding beyond their years through the memorized word of God.

How do these books serve families?

Children need anchors to hold onto when they are anxious or afraid. They need to understand simple biblical truths which lay a foundation on which faith is built. They need truths that will focus them beyond themselves to Someone greater.

Christian parents are concerned about the spiritual condition of their children. Recognizing that young children need a foundation of biblical truth so they can put their confidence in God, parents will be served by books that help them explain biblical truth to their children. 

Memorizing scripture points children to the Author of truth. Giving them biblical truths helps them grow in their understanding of faith which then can lead them to embrace Jesus.

Purchase the “Bible Verses to Remember” books as a bundle or as an individual title: Give God Your Worries | Good Gifts Come from God | Our Great God

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