Help Children Treasure Christ this Christmas

Help Children Treasure Christ this Christmas

Childhood memories leave a lasting impression on our lives. In walking down memory lane, here are some of my own childhood memories regarding the days leading up to Christmas: decorating a Christmas tree and setting up our Nativity set, the sound of Christmas music filling our home, making special cookies and treats, wrapping presents, and anticipating Santa. All are wonderful memories and yet, sadly, none were centered or focused on what is most special—the birth of our Lord and Savior! Yes, some of our traditions pointed to Christ, but the true meaning and significance of His birth was often minimized and overshadowed by other things.

That is why I am so thankful for the Good News of Great Joy Advent resources. I have seen firsthand how my own grandchildren have benefited from this resource as it colorfully and creatively guides them through the grand biblical narrative concerning the providential work of God in sending His beloved Son into the world to save sinners. I hope and pray that this resource would serve to create lasting memories in my grandchildren and guide them to treasure Christ most of all as they celebrate Christmas.

Recently, we talked with David and Sally Michael about celebrating Advent and, more specifically, what led Sally to create Good News for Great Joy. You can listen to this short interview here.

Find out more about how you can use the Good News of Great Joy Advent resources in your home or church at

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