A Refuge in a Wildfire

Children Desiring God has developed a resource to assist parents in presenting the essential truths of the Gospel to children. Leave us a comment of any length on today's post, and your name will be entered for a drawing in which five names will be chosen to receive the booklet, Helping Children to Understand the Gospel.
  • Topic: Comment to share your thoughts on today's video
  • Deadline: Wednesday April 3rd, at 11:59pm
  • Prize: One of five booklets from Children Desiring God entitled, Helping Children to Understand the Gospel
  • Winners will be announced on Tuesday, April 9th.
Post Header In this short video segment taken from his sermon, “The Centrality of the Cross,” Jason Meyer, Pastor for Vision and Preaching at Bethlehem Baptist Church, simply but powerfully tells and explains the story of Jesus' death on the cross. And, to further our understanding, he gives a real-life illustration that will help both young and old alike. [vimeo 62349717 w=500 h=281]  
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