A Profession by Pressure?

ID-100232776 Here are some sobering words from John Leuzarder and, unfortunately, we have probably all seen examples of the "sorrow to everyone involved."
Having our children embrace Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior based on a clear knowledge of the Gospel is the most important concern of a Christian parent. Jesus said, "Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" (Matt. 19:14). But, we must at the same time recognize that in our zealousness to see our children saved we can subtly pressure them into making a decision to follow Christ in order to please us, rather than God who knows the heart. The consequences of a profession of faith made under pressure, and not from a sincere heart can be serious and in time can bring confusion and sorrow to everyone involved.

(The Gospel for Children: A Simple, Yet Complete Guide to Help Parents Teach Their Children the Gospel of Jesus Christ, copyright©2002, page 37)

(Image courtesy of Arztsamui/FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)

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