A New Year Prayer to Our Everlasting God

A New Year Prayer to Our Everlasting God

Everlasting Father,

We come to You as our everlasting Lord and Savior and King who rules an everlasting kingdom that shall never be destroyed, with an everlasting dominion that shall never pass away.

2018 has quickly passed away, but You are from everlasting to everlasting. The grass has grown and withered, the flower has bloomed and fallen, but You are the everlasting rock that remains forever.

You have made with us an everlasting covenant.

You have saved us with an everlasting salvation.

You have given us an everlasting righteousness through the everlasting Son of righteousness.

You have kept us in Your everlasting love and held us in Your everlasting arms.

You have given us an everlasting name and hope, and an everlasting possession of an everlasting dwelling place with everlasting singing and gladness and joy upon our heads in the presence of Your everlasting light where sorrow and sighing and night shall be no more.

O Lord, as we step into this new year, lead us in the way everlasting!

Increase our knowledge of Your will and give us spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that we may walk in a manner worthy of You and in a way that is fully pleasing to You—bearing fruit in every good work.

Let 2019 be a year of triumph over the sin that entangled us and over the fear which paralyzed us and over the diseases and illnesses that afflicted us in 2018.

Give us victory over the habits that undermined our faith and distracted us from You in 2018.

Grant that faith triumph over the unbelief that has kept those we know and love from trusting in You and treasuring You for all that You are and all that You have promised those who are in Christ Jesus.

O God, let Your Word run and be glorified in 2019.

Open doors for us to declare the mystery of Christ and let the sharing of our faith become effective for the sake of family members and co-workers, friends and neighbors who are far away from You.

Take away anything that would hinder close communion with You and would keep us from setting our hope and our affections on You in 2019. Move our hearts and our longings far from the perishable things of this world and closer to the imperishable treasure that we have in You.

Lord Jesus may Your name be glorified in us, and we in You. From everlasting to everlasting may Your name be blessed. As we live in this land and witness the effects of hardening hearts, rising rebellion against You, and increasing hostility toward the name of Christ, keep us from losing hope or retreating to indifference. Keep us praying and pleading for our nation and our leaders, as Abraham prayed and pled for Sodom.

And let our prayers abound in 2019 for Russia, China, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, North Korea, Somalia, India, Myanmar, the UAE, Guinea, Ethiopia, and all the other nations of the world.  Establish Your truth in every place where it is scorned so that all peoples will laud you as King, and all nations will praise You as Lord. Let Your kingdom come, let Your Word triumph and let Your will be done on earth in 2019 as it is in heaven!

O Lord Jesus, at the dawn of this new year we anticipate with joy the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Perhaps this will be the year the preparations are complete—when every last stronghold has been destroyed and every possession of Yours has been claimed and all the redeemed are gathered together around Your throne and we are freed from this tongue of flesh to sing a new song to You in the fullness of our glory, and the everlasting joy with our everlasting King.

O Lord Jesus, come quickly!

In Your great and everlasting name, I pray,


Pray with us in 2019

As we begin this new year, would you join us in praying boldly for the next generation?

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