As little Elizabeth was taken down the hallway toward her classroom, she did her “Take me home!” cry as she clung to daddy. At her room, after check-in, she wept and wailed some more as she was gently handed over to Mrs. Kanowitz, the nursery team leader. But Mrs. Kanowitz didn’t pull out a tablet or smartphone. Instead, she held Elizabeth in her arms and bowed her head and began, “Dear Jesus, I pray that…,” and then Elizabeth went into the classroom—and stayed the entire time. It was well with her soul.
Yes, there may be a place for technology in the preschool classroom. But Mrs. Kanowitz’ prayer on Elizabeth’s behalf did much more than any high-tech gadget could do. Prayer doesn’t simply distract a clingy, frightened preschooler. Rather, it calls on the almighty, sovereign, loving Creator of the universe to impact the very heart of that child.(Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)