A Blessing from Psalm 112

Blessing Booklet This is one of my favorite blessings that my children heard literally hundreds of times as my husband blessed them every night at bedtime. Are there children in your life who would benefit from this blessing prayed over them this week, or even hundreds of times in the coming year? May you be a man/woman who fears the Lord; May you find great delight in the Lord's commands. May your children be mighty in the land. Even to the next generation,

may you and your children be blessed.

May you find your wealth and your riches in God. May you endure in righteousness forever. Even in darkness may the light dawn for you. May you be a gracious, compassionate

and righteous man/woman.

May you never be shaken. And may your name, [full name],

be remembered by the Lord forever. Amen!

   (From A Father's Guide to Blessing His Children by David Michael)  
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