10 Encouragements for Discouraged Ministry Souls

10 Encouragements for Discouraged Ministry Souls

It’s wonderful when: 

  • pastors and elders herald a glorious vision for the discipleship of the next generation and tirelessly labor to make sure that parents and volunteers are fully equipped, trained, and encouraged.
  • every children’s ministry volunteer feels honored and appreciated for his or her work.
  • parents and church are working in loving partnership to nurture the faith of children.
  • solid, age-appropriate biblical teaching is front and center in every classroom.
  • all our students joyfully embrace the gospel and are growing in Christ-likeness.

Let’s face it, most of us don’t minister to children—whether at home or in the church—in circumstances that are always wonderful and ideal. It can be tempting to become frustrated and discouraged. If you find yourself needing some encouragement to press on, we’d like to offer you these top ten posts to feed your soul this week:  

  1. God’s Eye Is Upon His Own Work—God is at work in our classrooms and homes even when we can’t immediately see it.
  2. Chicken Soup for Children’s Ministry—As a teacher and parent, this is one of my all-time favorites from Pastor Mark Vroegop. 
  3. Caught the Vision? What’s Next?—Suggestions for how you work to spread a glorious vision within your church
  4. Ministering in Light of the Throne Room—Inspiring words from David Michael
  5. Ordinary Means, Extraordinary Fruit—God often uses the small things to bring about His glorious purposes.
  6. Take Heart, Trouble's Coming—David Michael offers words of encouragement for the hard times in parenting and in ministry.
  7. Engaging and Equipping Parents for Discipleship—Ways to reach out and encourage parents.
  8. Big, Bold, Biblical Prayers—David Michael reminds us about the essential need for permeating our ministry with prayer.
  9. Sunday Morning Liberators—Encouragement for the Frontlines —John Piper reminds us of what is at stake when we teach God’s truth to children.
  10. Small Investments and Oaks of Righteousness—Sally Michael offers encouragement to those who may be on the fence about serving in children’s ministry.
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