Colección: Growing in the Word

Resources in the Growing in the Word series are designed to help you teach children and youth about the Bible, its message, and use; how to read the Bible (including a reading plan); how to memorize Scripture and use it to guide your prayers; as well as age-appropriate training toward biblical literacy; and inductive Bible study tools to help children and youth learn to read, observe, interpret, and apply the Bible to their everyday lives.

Help the children and youth in your home and church come to know and love God’s Word and, more importantly, the God who reveals Himself through His Word. Their very life and eternal joy depend upon it!

Meeting God in His Word
From Childhood You Have Known
The Inductive Bible Study Handbook

Available individually or as a collection below.

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God has given us in the Bible a book like no other, and we have been given the great responsibility and privilege to pass its life-giving truth to the next generation. The Growing in the Word series aims to inspire and equip the church and home to teach the next generation to read and study the Bible, pray for understanding and a right heart, and apply what they learn to their daily lives.

Resources in this series provide help with an introduction to the Bible, its message, and use; a reading plan; help with Bible memory and Scripture-focused prayer; age-appropriate training toward biblical literacy; and inductive Bible study tools to help children and youth learn to read, observe, interpret, and apply the Bible to their everyday lives.

Help the children and youth in your home and church come to know and love God’s Word and, more importantly, the God who reveals Himself through Is Word. Their very life and eternal joy depend upon it! The following booklets are included in the Growing in the Word series:

  • Meeting God in His Word: A Guide to Bible Reading and Prayer for Children
  • The Inductive Bible Study Handbook: Learn to Read, Observe, Interpret, and Apply the Bible
  • From Childhood You Have Known: Guiding Children to Understand and Treasure the Bible 

The series provides churches with an economical means to equip parents with discipleship resources.  It can be added to a church’s resource library where parents can check out books as needed and it aids parents in encouraging Bible reading and study in the lives of their children and youth. It helps churches in their discipleship of members young and old and itoffers an economical and unique idea for gift giving. Purchase the collection and give away the individual titles to loved ones in your life. The collection includes three titles, each reflective of Truth78’s theological commitments and distinctions.

Also available in Kindle:

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