You may be familiar with our resource
Praying for the Next Generation, written to encourage us to pray for the spiritual welfare of our children and grandchildren. Last week, Pastor Kevin DeYoung posted a great article about the necessity of parents praying for...themselves. Here is his introduction:
You probably have a book mark somewhere with promises to pray for your children. You probably have good kid verses on your refrigerator about obedience and kindness and sharing with others. You probably have a few standby verses you share with the little ones when they start to get defiant and lippy. All good.
But do you have any verses for yourself?
My kids need Bible promises, but on most days I need them even more. I’m prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I want them to love.
Pastor DeYoung offers 10 promises from the Bible that every parent should remember and pray through, and some additional and practical insights on each. You don't want to miss out on these! You can read the whole article
(Image courtesy of Rosemary Ratcliff/FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)