A 3-Question Character Evaluation

ID-100239544 In years gone by, parents and teachers used to speak of “character development” in children. Books and curriculum were written to help encourage children toward godly character traits. Unfortunately, some of these resources tended to give children a mistaken view of godly character—one devoid of the Gospel and the need for true saving faith. Good little boys and girls on their way to eternal destruction! As parents and teachers, we must take the greatest care to constantly point our children toward the Gospel, with the desire that they would embrace true saving faith in Christ, and then grow in spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity=godly character. What might this look like in their lives? What kind of character qualities does true faith increasingly produce? Using Micah 6:8 as a backdrop, “…and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Randy Alcorn poses three questions to consider. Although these questions are not comprehensive in nature, they touch on some basic character qualities that should increasingly be evidenced in the lives of true believers:

Are my children learning to act justly? That is, to deal honestly and fairly with others, and to respect, care for and intervene on behalf of the weak, vulnerable and oppressed? (Or are they compromising in matters of morals and integrity, and passively accepting society’s mistreatment of those for whom God says we should speak up?)

Are my children learning to be merciful? That is, to discern with sensitivity the personal and spiritual needs of others in family, school, community, society and world, and reach out to them in love and compassion? (Or are they part of a clique that snubs the non-cool, or so absorbed in their own activities, interests and possessions that they don’t see or care about the hurting people around them?)

Are my children learning to walk humbly with their God? That is, to know him personally, to have a consistent daily time devoted only to Him, and to exercise a humility that recognizes His lordship and their servanthood for Him and others? (Or are they too busy to spend time with God, and too self-proud and self-sufficient to realize they desperately need God’s help to do all that is worth doing?)

(From “Training Our Children,” www.epm.org)

(Image courtesy of Toa55 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.)

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