Free Lesson: Helping Children Understand the Resurrection

I love Easter. I love reading the familiar gospel accounts. I love the bright, beautifully decorated sanctuary at church. I love the loud, celebratory music we sing together. I love hearing the pastor repeatedly proclaim "He is risen!" I love seeing the children dressed up and full of excitement. I love gathering together with family for a special meal. But more importantly, I love this about Easter...
The resurrection of Jesus is God's gift and proof that his death was completely successful in blotting out the sins of his people and removing the wrath of God... From the cross the Son of God cried, "It is finished" (John 19:30). And by means of the resurrection, God the Father cries, "It was finished indeed!" The great work of paying for our sin and providing our righteousness and satisfying God's justice was finished in the death of Jesus. Then, in the grave, he had the right and the power to take the keys of death and open the door for all who come to him by faith.
(John Piper, The Passion of Jesus Christ, copyright © 2004, pages 100-101.) Here is a free lesson from our newly revised curriculum Jesus, What a Savior! that can be used to help children better grasp these important truths about Jesus' resurrection. Although it was written for 5 - 6 year old children, the illustrations and explanations can be easily adapted for older children.
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